Getting Started with boot2docker Docker doesn't run natively on OSX. Get around this with boot2docker. Boot2docker handles running virtualbox for you. Install Homebrew: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Let Tarsnap Handle Your Backups Backups are a huge pain. Sure, Amazon has great prices with both S3 and Glacier, but then you have to really manage everything yourself. Create the S3 bucket, create the security groups, install
WIX 3.8 Localization All the joy and pain found in migrating a WIX 2.x project into 3.8. The goal: Get a localized per-user installer from WIX that supports English and Arabic. Installer hacks should
Detecting Modern UI Activation in Windows 8 An application I'm currently working on requires that it be disabled whenever the windows 8 modern ui is activated. At first glance this seems like it should be easy, but there isn't currently
Google's Push for HTTPS is a Failure At least for now anyway. For the past year or so Google has been strongly encouraging everyone to enable https everywhere. They've even gone as far as boosting search results for sites that